Potentia as an academic student-led journal is committed to mentoring and nurturing a collaborative professional community of early childhood educators.  

As an editorial collective, we want to activate and nurture a space for students and professionals with an early childhood educational focus to make visible the ways they are already thinking hard, writing hard, creating and inventing new knowledges, ideas, possibilities and realities with children in early childhood (St. Pierre, 2021).

Our hope for Potentia is to create the conditions to begin to question and problematize status quo ways of being and doing that privilege and conversely marginalize particular children, childhoods and identities and to reimagine alternate narratives and transformative pedagogies in early childhood education. 


St Pierre, E. A. (2021). Post qualitative inquiry, the refusal of method, and the risk of the new. Qualitative Inquiry, 27(1), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800419863005