When the Nation Kills the Tribe:

The Paradox of a School Curriculum Suitable for All


  • Hermínio Ernesto Nhantumbo State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Talita Vidal Pereira State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1442-0124




In this article, contributions from post-structuralist and postcolonial perspectives are appropriated to develop the argument that in Mozambique the civilizational project of the European colonizer aiming to moralize indigenous/natives by inculcating European standards of civility, operated discursively in the same game of language of the nationalistic identity project that aimed at the formation of the New Man, free from obscurantism, superstition and bourgeois and colonial mentality by the inculcation of Marxist-Leninist-Socialist civilizational standards. The poststructuralist contributions support the argument that the two projects, although antagonistic to each other, are articulated within the same language game governed by a logic and a grammar that favor practices of exclusion in the school because they do not take into account the plurality and the difference that constitutes the groupings and human relations. In the text, from the conception of culture as a practice of enunciation of meanings, the intention of constructing a single national curriculum that incorporates the cultural diversity of Mozambique is problematized.

Author Biographies

Hermínio Ernesto Nhantumbo, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

PhD Candidate in the Graduate Program of Education

Talita Vidal Pereira, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Researcher and PhD in Education at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) in 2011. She is an Associate Professor at the School of Education of Baixada Fluminense of UERJ and Procientist at this same institution since 2015. She is a Young Scientist from Our State Faperj (2018 - 2020). She works as a faculty member of the permanent body of the PPGECC-UERJ (master's degree course) and the Post-Graduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Education (PROPEd-UERJ)


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