The Field of Curriculum Studies in the Journal Transnational Curriculum Inquiry (TCI) as an Effect of the Relations between Knowledge and Power:

Science, Counter-Science, Anti-Science?




It analyzes how the discourse of the journal Transnational Curriculum Inquiry (TCI) expressed the process of internationalization and transnationalization of studies in the field of curriculum in the second decade of the 21st century. It is connected with the internationalization movement of the curriculum studies expressed in the objectives of the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS), one of the most respected entities in the curriculum field, established in 2001. It highlights that the TCI encompasses a "complex volume" of statements that discuss curriculum practices and policies worldwide, marked by power relations, and it is possible to state that the publications of the journal TCI are constituted by struggles and processes, which show the possibilities of emergence of certain knowledges. It questions: what forces emerge from the Transnational Curriculum Inquiry in discussions about curricula? What effects of the relations between knowledge and power were evident in the articles published in this journal? How do disciplinary fields relate to the stated perspective of curriculum studies seeking a multi/transcultural and cosmopolitan approach? Have curriculum studies predominantly manifested as counter-science and/or anti-science in an insurrectional way?

Author Biographies

Janete Magalhães Carvalho, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Graduate Program of Education

Suzany Goulart Lourenço, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Graduate Program of Education

Steferson Zanoni Roseiro, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Master Student in the Graduate Program of Education


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