Pulling Together in an Indigenous Cultural Revitalization Canoe: Indigenous Women's Water and Land-based Research Methodologies in Action
This article tells the story o f a four-year (2013-2017) canoe revitalization researchstudy enacted between Musqueam First Nation and three Indigenous women facultymembers working in two universities in British Columbia. This Indigenist researchproject resulted in the first canoe carved and launched in M usqueam in over 30 years.It identifies the Musqueam theoretical fram ew ork and role o f the Musqueam AdvisoryCouncil that guides the awakening o f ancient carving practices and research methodologies fo r the benefit o f future generations. It explores and considers traditional CoastSalish protocol and practices o f calling witnesses to community-based work, and itsadaption and relevance in research with university partners. Finally, it makes fundingpolicy recommendations to better support fu tu re Indigenous community-universityresearch partnerships.