Author Guidelines

Story-Making in CJNE Overview

Canadian Native Journal of Education (CJNE) publishes articles, commentary, book reviews, and artworks concerning Indigenous education, issues, events, curriculum, media, and teaching reflections. Scholarly works may address Indigenous education in and out of schools, and across the lifespan. CJNE welcomes original scholarly work from all the areas encompassed within Indigenous education, including creative writing and works. Before submitting your manuscript to CJNE, please review the Aims & Scope.


Submitting a Storywork Protocol
Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Online Journal System. The online submission will ask authors to enter the names, institutions, and email addresses of all co-authors. Use institutional email addresses, rather than gmail accounts. If you are interested in submitting to CJNE, please create a user account online and review this section on submission guidelines.


Articles are to be submitted in .docx format.  Articles should be between 5000 and 7000 words, excluding references. Articles that exceed 7000 words will not be considered. Articles should contain ethical approvals when required, including research and/or institutional review board approvals required by Indigenous Nations, Tribes, or Bands. Please use terms most appropriate to the Indigenous people to whom the storywork refers. When referring to Indigenous people, it is preferable to use the language they use to refer to themselves.

Article Submission
• double-spaced, anonymous manuscript as one Word document (do not send a pdf)
• Please include an abstract on the first page. The abstract should summarize the study, the results, the conclusions and implications reached. The title and abstract should be 150 to 200 words.
• A list of five (5) keywords should be included after the abstract.
• Do not include author name(s) on or in the manuscript. Manuscripts that are not anonymous or appropriately formatted will be returned. Authors must certify that the manuscript is not being considered by another publisher. See tips on How to Make a Manuscript Anonymous.
• Any illustrations, figures, or artwork should be sent as individual files (such as tiff or jpeg) not embedded in the manuscript file. Please include figures and tables captions and credits in text.

CJNE publishes short and timely commentaries on critical educational issues concerning Indigenous peoples. Commentaries are expected to be about Indigenous education and thought-provoking. Commentaries are peer reviewed to different criteria, allowing different Indigenous educational issues to be expressed. Commentaries are between 2000 to 3000 words. Commentaries should include a title, abstract, keywords, and references. Commentaries must include a 100 to 150 word abstract and up to five (5) keywords.

Book Reviews
Please contact the Publication Production Manager before submitting a review. Book review essays should not exceed 2000 words.

Artistic and Creative Storywork
CJNE welcomes the submission of editor-reviewed multi-modal forms of representation(s) of arts-based Indigenous research, teaching, and creative works. These scholarly works will be included as Artistic and Creative Storywork. Through songs, digital images, recorded videos of dance performances and plays, among others, offer a means of Indigenous knowledges and oral traditions in education. Scholars and educators have the opportunity to share their educational research or teaching and/or its processes in shorter pieces of creative format. Submissions should be accompanied by a short (120 word) description of the art-work and how it connects to research and/or teaching in the field of Indigenous education.


How to Make a Manuscript Anonymous
To ensure the blind peer-review of submissions, every effort should be taken to conceal the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other.

• The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with “Author” and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors’ name, article title, etc.


Style Guide
Please adhere to the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Manuscripts must be double-spaced (including quotations, notes, & references) in 11-point Calibri.

Articles may include audio/video/visual components, and authors are encouraged to include these multimodal elements when it pertains to their work.

Do not embed figures, tables, and digital media materials in the text of your manuscript document. Save each one as a separate file (such as a .tiff or .jpeg file). Use “Call outs” in the text to place each figure, in the form:

                                            [INSERT FIGURE 1 NEAR HERE]

Each figure requires a clear caption; the captions should be included in the manuscript text. Be sure to include the source to be credited and any additional information requested by the source or creator, including copyright.


Submission Preparation Checklist 

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. 

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. 
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format. 
  • Submissions should be double-spaced in 11-point Calibri font with 1-inch margins all around. 
  • The text adheres to the stylistic, format, and reference requirements outlined in the Style Guide. 
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the tips in How to Make a Manuscript Anonymous have been followed.