Decolonial-Hispanophone Curriculum

A Preliminary Sketch and Invitation to a South-South Dialogue




In our essay, we advance a preliminary sketch of decolonial-Hispanophone curriculum and extend an invitation for a South-South dialogue between students, teachers, or activist educators from distinct intellectual traditions of the geo-regions called “the Americas.” After sharing provisional definitions, we plant the problem of doing curricular-pedagogical work within a historical trajectory emphasizing historical colonies and present-day coloniality. Planted in this way, we provide a preliminary sketch of decolonial-Hispanophone curriculum as one dimension of a transnational, contextual, and relational decolonial project. From this sketch, we theorize three historicized concepts: (a) the historicity of decolonial thought, (b) mestizx conceptualization, and (c) communality/pluriversality. We conclude the essay with an invitation for transnational South-South dialogue. Keywords: coloniality, decolonial curriculum, decolonial pedagogy, itinerant curriculum theory.

Author Biographies

James C. Jupp, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA.

Jim Jupp has taught classes for 25 years in the US Southwest and South. For eighteen years, he worked as a teacher of immigrant, Mexican, and indigenous students in the public schools of the US Southwest. During this time, he worked as a rural and later urban teacher with notions of critical and culturally relevant curriculum and pedagogy. In the last decade, he has taught educational foundations and applied linguistics in two universities in the US South. Presently, Jim is Professor and Chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley. In his present role, he advances critical and sustainable notions of teacher education in the massive production of Chicanx and bilingual teachers.

Micaela González Delgado, La Universidad Autónoma Nacional de México, Acatlán, México

Mica González Delgado presently works as a professor in the area of Pedagogical Interventions Mexican National Autonomous University, Actalán, teaching classes for the Pedagogical Studies program. Mica has worked as an activist and educator for twenty years in different contexts and projects, and her research is dedicated to several axes of investigation including environmental education in rural areas, the diagnosis of the causes of social violence, and indigenous-environmental activism in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.

Freyca Calderón Berumen, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona, USA.

Freyca Calderón Berumen presently works as a professor in the college of education at Pennsylvania State University, Altoona. Her research focuses on multicultural education and teaching English as a second language. Besides having studied her undergraduate and masters degrees in Mexico, she also worked as a primary and secondary teacher in Mexico for a decade. Ten years ago, she emigrated to the US to continue studying, where she earned another masters and also her doctorate in education at a university in the US Southwest where she concurrently taught both women’s studies and education classes. Her most recent research focuses on the use of the literary genre “testimonio” in the conscientization of Latin American immigrant mothers in US contexts.

Caroline Hesse, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley, USA.

Caroline Hesse has been a teacher for fourteen years, with teaching experience in primary and secondary schools in the US Midwest and Southwest. Caroline has taught Spanish and English as foreign languages, Spanish for Spanish speakers, and later different school subjects in bilingual double immersion programs. Additionally, she has taught pedagogy and linguistics classes in a night program to certify bilingual teachers. Presently, she is a teacher in a double immersion elementary school (Spanish-English) in the US Middle West, and she is studying her doctorate in curriculum and instruction at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.


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