Toward an Understanding of Attunement as an Autobiographical Theory of Education




I explore the concept of attunement in this paper. Informed by my own story and other scholarly work, attunement in this paper is employed to describe an autobiographical theory of education. In such an autobiographical theory of education learning becomes situated not only in the school-subject and specific prior knowledge, but also in one’s subjective sense of intellectual labor. Basically, this paper comprises two sections. In the first I elucidate my understanding of the concept of attunement. Attunement, in this paper, refers to learning guided and experienced by oneself subjectively striving for deeper understanding, during which one searches for meaning as well as begets one’s engagement with the world. In the second, I describe that attunement has three elements: contingency, boundary and sensitivity. Contingency emphasizes the particularity of experience, identified from one’s own perspective; boundary refers to the challenges and difficulties experienced by oneself; sensitivity underscores how one can go beyond one’s boundary subjectively, thus being attuned to new forms of understanding or thinking. Key-words: attunement, contingency, sensitivity, awakening inwardness

Author Biography

Wanying Wang, British Columbia University, Canada

A Postdoctoral Fellow in British Columbia University under William Pinar. She works with: Autobiographical Inquiry of Curriculum (currere); Sprituality of Education, Currriculum Studies; Sociology of Education; Curriculum Change. Research Classification: Education System Trajectories; Educational Approaches; Research Interests; Curriculum Studies; Autobiographical Inquiry of Curriculum; Higher Education; Curriculum Innovation Theory; Theory of General Education. Research Methodology: Autobiogprahy; Conceputal Study; Emprical Study


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