Curricular Decolonization from Epistemologies of Diversity




Curriculum dialogue in the Chilean curriculum has been historically constrained, making it into a monologue where it is intended to impose an epistemological monism, manifested in the configuration process of its contents. The epistemological monism reproduces discourses and colonizing models through curriculum that do not carry out a dialogue between knowledges, but the maintenance of power relations that reduce sociocultural diversity, denying its value. Although intercultural and inclusive visions have gradually become part of the curriculum, colonizing dynamics are still legitimized. Therefore, the curricular conversation must be a dialogue of diversities that recognize and legitimize between themselves, in equal conditions. It is necessary to change the homogenizing and segregating curricular paradigm to a social and diverse one that articulates the universal right that every human being possesses to a full education and development, regardless of their condition or difference. In this sense, this work proposes the epistemologies of diversity (disabilities and other marginalized groups) to make available their lived curriculum in order to decolonize and democratize the curricular design from the classroom level and project it to the other curriculum levels, in order to redefine the assumptions that are transmitted as hegemonic knowledge. For this, the paper deals with the epistemological basis proposed by Latin American authors of the decolonization and Deaf studies. Key-words: Curriculum, Decolonization, Epistemology, Diversity, Diversification of Education

Author Biography

María Francisca Lohaus-Reyes, University of Chile

Teacher of English as a Foreign Language. Master of Education, Curriculum and School Community, interested in Didactics, L2 and diversity.


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