Ouvrir une session ou S'inscrire pour pouvoir faire une soumission.

Liste de vérification de la soumission

Les auteurs-es doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec l'ensemble des éléments suivants. Les soumissions non conformes pourraient être retournées aux auteurs-es.
  • You have carefully reviewed and followed all instructions on preparing your manuscript and submitting a paper.
  • A Peer Reviewer List has been completed for submission alongside your manuscript.
  • You have attached proof of discounts (e.g., competition winner, emails) and waivers to publish in SFJ or I agree if I do not have any discounts, there is a $400 CAD fee to publish the manuscript upon acceptance.
  • In compliance with ensuring a blind review, you have removed all identifying information from the article text and prepared a separate title page with authorship information to be submitted alongside your manuscript.
  • You have used the templates for article text or conference proceedings and a title page to prepare your submission.
  • Your article text and title page are saved as Microsoft Word documents (.docx).
  • Any and all figures (including equations and tables) have been included in the manuscript file and provided as separate image files in the highest possible resolution. If your submission does not contain figures, you must still check this box.
  • Any and all tables are provided in text as Microsoft Word tables. If your submission does not include tables, you must still check this box.
  • Your submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or provide an explanation in Comments to the Editor below).

Directives aux auteurs-es

To review the submissions process, click here.

The STEM Fellowship Journal accepts the following types of manuscripts: 

  • Original Investigations should be the student(s)’ original work. This can be accomplished with or without a mentor’s help. It should contain experimental data, or collected information, and should report novel results. 
  • Review Articles provide a detailed critical review of a specific area of study based on the existing literature, including a meaningful synthesis. 
  • Viewpoint Articles may address any important or controversial issues (i.e., “hot topics”) within any of the STEM fields. They should be focused, well informed, and provide a clear sense of direction.
  • Conference Proceedings should contain abstracts from conference presentations, posters, and seminars.

Detailed guidance for preparing each type of article can be found on the table here and the SFJ's Preparing a Paper page.

For instructions on using OJS to submit your manuscript and complete revisions throughout the editorial process, see our OJS Training Guide for Authors.