
Welcome to the new home of Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice. From 1997-2017, Cultural Logic was hosted by the The editorial team and aims of the journal remain unchanged, but we are now hosted by the University of British Columbia Library on the Open Journal Systems platform. In the coming weeks and months we will be rebuilding the archives of the journal and we appreciate your patience as we re-create the journal on what will be more a more robust platform.

You can show your support for Cultural Logic by registering as a reader and/or reviewer, click on the"For Readers" link on the right.

Cultural Logic continues to be a no-fee open access journal, free to read, with no article processing charges. The journal is produced and operated by donated labour.

The first issue to be re-republished on our new platform is the 2017 triple issue "Scholactivism" edited by Joseph G. Ramsey. The "Scholactivism" issue is a collaborative effort with Works & Days, which published the print edition.  Thanks to Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor for publishing a digital version of the "Scholactivism" issue when the was suddenly shuttered in 2017.