The Good and Bad in Humanity


  • Bryony Claire Pratt University of British Columbia


This essay focuses on the themes of humanity and morality in Cormac McCarthy's post-apocalyptic novel The Road. I use secondary sources to demonstrate how the two main characters, a father and son, are conflicted with the idea of morality in their journey of survival. The challenge to define what is 'good' and 'bad,' and live according to that moral standard is emphasized throughout the novel and is discussed analytically in this essay.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Bryony Claire Pratt, University of British Columbia

I am currrently an English Honours student at the University of British Columbia.


Frye, Steven. Understanding Cormac McCarthy. Columbia, US: University of South Carolina Press, 2012. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 3 April 2016.

McCarthy, Cormac. The Road. New York: Vintage, 2006. Print.

Murphet, Julian, and Mark Steven. Styles of Extinction: Cormac McCarthy's The Road. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014. EBook Library. Web. 3 April 2016.

Wielenberg, Erik J. “God, Morality, and Meaning in Cormac McCarthy's "The Road."” The Cormac McCarthy Journal 8.1 (2010): 1–19. Penn State University Press, 2010. Web. 3 April 2016.




