Dissecting Turkey’s “Hidden War”: a Discussion of Turkey’s Conflict with its Kurdish Minority and the Securitisation Measures surrounding Violence in Northern Syria and Southern Turkey


  • Connor Thomas Austman Simon Fraser University

Mots-clés :

turkey, kurdistan, kurds, isis, daesh, middle east, terror, terrorism


Turkey has been fighting a war against the ethnic minority Kurds in the east of its territory, and refusing to support the Kurds that are fighting ISIS/Daesh in northern Syria and Iraq. This essay intends to uncover, via a securitisation process, the motivations behind Turkey's domestic and external responses to the Kurdish conflicts. As well, the essay wants to show that Turkey's responses have a profound impact on the international community, with much stronger political effects on Turkey's geographical neighbours.By analysing primary documents, as well as examining experiences from those who have traveled to the region and work closely with Kurds and Turks, this essay will shape a picture of the messy relations between the actors involved in the Syrian conflict, and showing how each political action must be weighed carefully in order to maintain power balances.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Connor Thomas Austman, Simon Fraser University

SFU International Studies Undergraduate, seeking postgraduate study in economic development/international security fields.


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