Leonard Cohen and the Neo-Baroque Perspective





From the perspective of a Latin American reader, the article approaches Leonard Cohen's poetic universe through the concept of the Neo-Baroque as proposed by the Cuban writer, Severo Sarduy in dialogue with the idea of fold  as  presented by Gilles Deleuze. The main point of the paper is to propose that the Neo-Baroque perspective may work as a method of investigation and deciphering that may allow to approach Cohen's poetry, songs and performance as a coherent whole that reaches an aesthetic turnpoint during his time in the monastery of Mount Baldy that  will result in Book of longing, his last albums, the last tour and The Flame. 

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Tereza Virginia de Almeida, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Tereza Virginia de Almeida is Professor at Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil since 1996. She has published about literature, dance, voice, popular music, digital cultural in Brazilian periodicals. She is also a singer and composer and has released two albums, Tereza Virginia (2008) and Aluada (2011). The third one (Bemmevi) will come out next July 2018. She currently prepares her project for a period as Visiting scholar at McGill and UBC for deepening her research on Leonard Cohen. 


