Wilted Vegetables & Hope


  • MLA Chernoff York University




Gary Barwin

No TV For Woodpeckers. Buckrider Books, $18.


Richard Harrison

On Not Losing My Father’s Ashes in the Flood. Buckrider Books, $18.


Robyn Sarah

Wherever We Mean To Be: Selected Poems 1975-2015. Biblioasis, $19.95.


Reviewed by MLA Chernoff

Biographie de l'auteur-e

MLA Chernoff, York University

MLA Chernoff is a SSHRC Doctoral Fellow, focusing on Jewish literatures as they present themselves within particular contexts, especially the socio-political landscape of Canada. Their dissertation, Ordinary Eternal Machinery: Radical Poetry and Revelation in Jewish Canada, attempts to effectively reroute the liberal humanist criticism surrounding Jewish-Canadian literature by theorizing its poetry as radically experimental, both linguistically and materially, and ultimately demonstrative of a leftist political inclination that veers towards messianism. MLA has thus far presented their research at ACCUTE, ACQL, and various colloquia; their NeMLA presentation on secular gematria and conceptual poetry is currently being currently adapted into a chapter for a collection on digital literatures in Canada, to be published by Queen’s University Press in 2018. MLA's debut collection of poetry, delet this, was published by Hybrid Heaven in the spring of 2018. 




