

  • Pauline Peters



I am an African-Canadian woman with a deep intrest in race, ecology, mythology and feminism. These issues are the focus of my poetry. I think it is safe to say that not enough has been written about the relationship between the African diaspora and landscape. Rooted in the earth: reclaiming the African American environment heritage by Dianne D. Glave is one of a few exceptions. My writing is an attempt to add to and encourage what I hope is a growing dialogue on the connection between race and environment.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Pauline Peters

Pauline Peters writes and lives in Toronto.  She has had poetry pubished in the Antigonish Review, fiction in the anthologies Frictions III and Fiery Voices and two plays produced by Nightwood Theatre.  She is currently at work on a novel tenuously titled Opaline.

