Poetry Submission (5 Poems)


  • Dani Spinosa York University




Please find attached five poems for submission to Canadian Literature. These poems have been produced as part of a larger project entitled I Swear which looks to merge the concerns of typewriter, concrete, and digital poetries with feminist affect, personal or confession writing, and humour. This project has been generously supported by the Toronto Arts Council with the 2016 receipt of an Emerging Writer’s Grant.

The attached poems, “I Swear,” “I Want a Confessional,” “Meta Property (with photography by Jesse Pajuäär),” “Carpal Tunnel #1 (co-written with Stacey Schmidt),” and “Two Shots,” are relatively low-resolution scans with high-resolution images available upon request.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Dani Spinosa, York University

English Department, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (Adjunct Faculty)

