Like Water, Music


  • Tom Wayman Assoc. Prof. Emeritus of English U of Calgary


Biographie de l'auteur-e

Tom Wayman, Assoc. Prof. Emeritus of English U of Calgary

Dear Stephen Collis:

Many thanks, as ever, for having a look at the five poems attached here. Whatever your decision on these, I appreciate very much your consideration of them.


Recent poetry collections of mine include Built to Take it: Selected Poems 1996-2013 from Spokane’s Lynx House Press and The Order in Which We Do Things: The Poetry of Tom Wayman, selected and with an introduction by Owen Percy, from Wilfrid Laurier University Press in Canada; both were published in 2014. A collection of new work, Helpless Angels, is forthcoming in 2017 from Thistledown.


A collection of my short fiction, The Shadows We Mistake for Love, was published in fall 2015 by Douglas & McIntyre; all the stories are set in the valley in the Selkirk Mountains of southeastern  B.C. where I live. That book in June won the Diamond Foundation Prize for Fiction (Western Canada Jewish Book Awards).


Again, many thanks to you for your consideration of the attached poems.


With best wishes,



