In the speculative mode


  • Krzysztof Majer


Biographie de l'auteur-e

Krzysztof Majer

Dr Krzysztof Majer works at the University of Lodz, Poland. Since 2007, he has been a member of the Polish Association for Canadian Studies. His academic interests include contemporary North American (primarily Canadian) fiction, as well as Jewish literature and culture. His doctoral dissertation, submitted in 2008, was devoted to messianic figures in the later novels of Mordecai Richler; one of his publications is a contribution to the Richler issue of Canadian Literature (Winter 2010). He has also written, among others, on the fiction of Rawi Hage, Mark Anthony Jarman and Norman Ravvin, as well as the films of the Coen brothers. He is the co-editor of Tools of Their Tools: Communications Technologies and American Cultural Practice (CSP, 2009, with Grzegorz Kosc) and the guest editor of the 1st issue of the Analyses Rereadings Theories journal: Body / Form / Surface (University of Lodz, 2013, with Maciej Wieczorek and Joanna Matyjaszczyk). Krzysztof Majer also works as a translator of literature and criticism: his recent achievements in that field include the Polish version of The Letters of Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg (Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2012), as well as translations of fiction (e.g. Niall Griffiths, D.J. Enright) and theoretical-critical essays (e.g. Chinua Achebe, Stuart Hall) in the journals Literatura na Swiecie and Art Inquiry. In September 2011, he was a visiting scholar at Concordia University, Montreal.




