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Sabiston, Elizabeth
Sagaris, Lake
Saint-Jacques, Denis
Saint-Martin, Fernande
Saint-Martin, Lori
Saint-Martin, Lori, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Sajecki, Anna, University of Alberta
Saklikar, Renee Sarojini, Simon Fraser University/Poet Laureate of Surrey
Samuelson, Anah-Jayne, Medicine Hat College
Sandler, Linda
Sanger, Richard
Sarkonak, Ralph
Sarkonak, Ralph, University of British Columbia (Vancouver)
Savard, Pierre
Savignac, Rosemarie Sophie, Université du Québec à Montréal
Sayed, Asma, Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton
Scanlon, Meaghan
Schaub, Danielle
Schellenberg, Angeline
Schmaltz, Eric, University of Pennsylvania
Schmaltz, Eric, York University
Schmaltz, Eric (Canada)
Schmaltz, Eric, Glendon Campus, York University
Schmaltz, Eric, York University
Schramek, Evangeline Holtz, "University of Toronto"; "Ryerson University"
Schroeder, Andreas
Schuster, Marilyn R.
Sciff-Zamaro, Roberta
Scobie, Stephen
Scott, Conrad, Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta
Scott, Conrad, University of Alberta
Scott, Shelley, University of Lethbridge
Scudeler, June
Scudeler, June, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Seaman, Andrew Thompson
Seamon, Roger
Seaton, Dorothy
Seidner, Eva
Selao, Ching
Selby, Joan
Sellery, J'nan Morse
Sellwood, Jane
Selvon, Samuel
Semple, Angela D, Trent University
Senecal, Andre J.
Sentes, Bryan, Dawson College Cegep
Shadbolt, Jack
Sharma, Jagjeet
Sharman, Vincent
Shaw, Justin, Cape Breton University
Shaw, Kevin, University of Western Ontario
Shek, Ben-Zion
Shepherd, Kelly, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Sheridan, Susan
sherman, kenneth, sheridan college
Shield, Alix
Shields, E. F.
Shilliday, Molleen, Lakehead University
Shorrocks, Graham
Shortt, S. E. D.
Shrive, Norman
Sielke, Sabine
Siemerling, Winfried
Siklosi, Kate Mary Beth, York University
Simon, Sherry
Sims, Peter
Sing, Pamela V.
Singer, Melvina Baum
Sirois, Antoine
Skelton, Robin
Skvorecky, Josef


Šlapkauskaitė, Rūta, Vilnius University


Slegtenhorst, Hendrik, Canadian Authors' Association League of Canadian Poets
Slemon, Stephen
Slethaug, Gordon E.
Smart, Patricia
Smet, Eddy
Smiley, Calvin L.
Smith, A. J. M.
Smith, Allan
Smith, Michael V., University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Smith, Patricia Keeney
Smith, Will, Lancaster University
Smith, Will, University of Birmingham
Smolash, Naava, Douglas College
Smythe, Karen
Snaith, Anna
Snell, J. G.
Snider, Elysha, University of Calgary
Solecki, Sam
Solly, William
Solway, David
Somers, Sean
Sonthoff, H. W.
Sonthoff, Helen W.
SOONIAS, SARAIN FRANK, University of Regina
Sorensen, Sue
Soros, Erin
Sousa, Monica, Brock University (to end of August 2017) and York University (beginning September 2018)
Sparshott, Francis

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