Effect of Temperature on Glucose Concentration in the Enzymatic Activity of Lactase in Lactose


  • Katy Hemphil
  • Natalie Prasad
  • Trisha Shin
  • Georgia Yee


This project was conducted to see the change in enzymatic activity of lactase in the presence of lactose in different temperatures. Our question is: How does the change in temperature impact the glucose concentration as a result of the enzymatic activity of lactase in the presence of lactose? Glucose concentrations were found using OneTouch Ultra 2® blood glucose meter to check the enzymatic activity of lactase. We utilized ANOVA, also known as Analysis of Variance, to check if there were any significant differences in the glucose concentrations between the four different temperature groups of 20°C, 40°C, 60°C, and 80°C. The Lactaid® Extra Strength pills were used as source lactase. At the end, we found there was a significant difference of enzymatic activity between the temperatures. The optimal temperature for the enzymatic activity of lactase was found to be 60°C, and the reactions were too slow to be recorded at lower temperatures. In the future, we can use different brands of lactase, concentration of lactose, and temperatures. This research can help inform our understanding of lactase activity in vivo, the use of lactase in the food industry, including lactose-free products, and in medical applications in treating lactose intolerance.





