Syrian Refugees’ Experiences in Canada and the Implications on Mental Health


  • Anthony Lorenzo Cherubini McMaster University


The Syrian refugee population represents an unprecedented number of migrants in Canada.  Vulnerable citizens and their families sought safety in Canada. Given the influx of refugees in Canada who were forced to leave their home country due to the civil war, the impact of the life adversities they experience as they transition to a new country cannot go unexamined. Thus, this narrative review responds to an integral research question: What are the implications of barriers that Syrian refugees experience in their integration process? The literature review examines the integration of Syrian refugees in Canada by accounting for their traumatic experiences in Syria and their post-migratory experiences during their transition in Canada. The review considers two core themes: (a) the significance of culturally appropriate healthcare services for Syrian refugees’ acculturation in Canada, and (b) how Islamophobia and discrimination that many refugees experience serve as an obstacle in their integration. The study also discusses findings that shed light on such themes’ implications for Syrian refugees’ mental health. 





