Literature Review and Mapping Analysis of the Economic Factors Contributing to Universal Healthcare Coverage in BRIC Countries


  • Cameron S Feil University of Western Ontario


BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to determine the economic factors and characteristics of universal healthcare development among Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC). METHODS: A policy review was used to achieve this objective. This review established a comparative criterion of the key factors and characteristics of universal healthcare coverage development. Further, a comparison of four countries with established universal healthcare coverage, comprising of each type of healthcare system model, was undertaken against BRIC healthcare systems. The decided upon factors and characteristics of developing and BRIC countries were used to inform and understand the development of process of universal healthcare coverage. RESULTS: The analysis found that continual economic growth and investment into the healthcare coverage, are essential to successful universal healthcare coverage implementation and expansion. CONCLUSION: Understanding the models of healthcare systems along with the key economic factors and characteristics provides important context and understanding into the processes and mechanisms that drive successful universal healthcare coverage in developing countries. The factors and characteristics presented in this study provide a preliminary framework for understanding the conditions that contribute to universal healthcare coverage. Further, this framework can be used as a template for a critical comparison and analysis that can be applied to all high, middle- and low-income countries in their effort to establish universal healthcare coverage.




