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VIFF Film Reviews

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2016): Stardom

VIFF 2015

  • Hilary Hulsey
April 23, 2023


This year’s line-up for the Vancouver International Film Festival provided a rich selection to choose from in relation to our topic of stardom. Upon tabbing through the program, I was overwhelmed by the number of films featuring stars from the distant past such as the short film Charlie (Werner, Willard-Stepan, Fox 2015), that gave fresh insight to the famed silent film star, Charlie Chaplin, alongside the highly anticipated feature-length documentary Ingrid Bergman: In Her Own Words (Björkman 2015) detailing the stars’ biography. Their stories retold and refashioned decades later proves stardom has a lasting effect and box-office draw on an international scale. In addition to the iconic stars reappearing, newcomers like the young Jacob Tremblay who played Jack in Room (Abrahamson 2015) and Saoirse Ronan in Brooklyn (Crowley 2015) entered into what the fictitious starlet Lina Lamont in Singin’ in the Rain (Donen & Kelly 1952) describes as “the celestial firmament,” where their fresh performances are nothing short of memorable. Of course, the range of material to review might have covered any one of the films featuring a seasoned veteran of the screen or an up-and-coming starlet from each of the 70 countries represented, but I was faced with the unfortunate task of narrowing my choices down to a handful of films. The following group of films featured performances steeped in star quality.