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Letter from the Editor

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2013): The Superhero Film

Editor's Note

  • Kevin Hatch
  • Kelly St-Laurent
March 25, 2023


As Hollywood’s output of superhero films remains ever expansive (it is telling that three of the features in this issue pertain largely to films released this year), superhero scholarship is, by necessity, particularly vibrant. While considerable critical attention has been devoted to the genre of late, such discourse remains active and evolving, with several pertinent venues remaining for further scholarly investigation: representations and ideologies of gender within superhero texts, the seemingly fundamental role of American iconicity, identity, and industry in the superhero narrative, and the integral role of cutting edge cinematic technology in infusing comic book subject matter with cinematic life. This issue of Cinephile strives to expand the burgeoning scholarly discourse in regards to the superhero film, contributing to and extrapolating from such engaged discussions.