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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2005): Gender & Violence

Interview with Mina Shum: The Director’s Question

  • Miya Davar
December 21, 2022


Mina Shum is exuberant, eloquent, and 5'3''. Her presence extends far beyond the bounds of her stature, however. Born in Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver, often pigeonholed as the "Chinese-Canadian Woman film director," Shum makes films that are universal questions. Her three features Double Happiness, Drive, She Said, and Long Life, Happiness, and Prosperity are about windows into lives we might otherwise not see, the magic around us if we look for it, and a search for the way to live. Shum graced the UBC campus from 1983-1989, receiving a Theatre degree and a Diploma in Film Production. Her first film, Double Happiness, won international acclaim and several awards. We meet at the Laughing Bean on a sunlit afternoon and I receive a glimpse into the world of Shum...