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Kamegaya, Chie
Kardam, NĂ¼khet
Keeling, Arn
Keeling, Arn, Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)
Keeling, Arn, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Kelly, Dara, Peter B Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria
Kelly, Patrick
Kelm, Mary-Ellen
Kendall, Linda
Kennedy, Dorothy
Kennedy, Michael
Kennedy, Michael (Canada)
Kennedy, ReAnne, UBC Okanagan
Kerwin, Scott
Keshani, Hussein, UBC
Ketchell, Takara, University of Alberta
Ketchell, Takara Ann, University of Alberta
Kew, J.E. Michael
Kew, Michael
Kheraj, Sean
Kim, Christine, Simon Fraser University
King, Sarah
Kirk, Sylvia Van
Klassen, Benjamin, Simon Fraser University
Klausen, Susanne

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