Semantic Fieldwork Methods 2024-05-29T10:21:25-07:00 Lisa Matthewson Open Journal Systems <p><em>Semantic Fieldwork Methods </em>is dedicated to the discussion of innovative techniques and materials for use in semantic and pragmatic fieldwork. We invite contributions which explain and illustrate how hypotheses about meaning can be tested in a fieldwork setting. </p> The witness and the alibi: A method for eliciting temporal contrasts in reported speech 2023-10-22T15:10:02-07:00 Thera Marie Crane <p class="p1">I propose a simple, two-stage storytelling process used for investigating multiple tense</p> <p class="p1">contrasts in reported speech and illustrate a basic example of its use from a pilot study in</p> <p class="p1">isiNdebele. IsiNdebele is a Nguni Bantu language of South Africa with two degrees of past tense</p> <p class="p1">marking and three future forms that are less clearly differentiated for temporal distance. The</p> <p class="p1">method involves translating a conversation with references to several past and future events and</p> <p class="p1">then role-playing a courtroom testimony in which the conversation is reported. I also describe a</p> <p class="p1">simple complementary picture-card–based method.</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Thera Marie Crane