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Douglas, Jennifer, University of British Columbia
Douglas, Stan
Driver, Jonathan C.
Droumeva, Milena
Dubensky, Kate, University of Victoria
Duder, Karen
Duff, Wilson
Duffek, Karen
Duffek, Karen, Museum of Anthropology
Duffy, Dennis
Dummitt, Christopher
Dummitt, Christopher, UBC
Dumonceaux, Scott, University of Calgary
Dunae, Patrick A.
Dunae, Patrick Alexander, Vancouver Island University
Dunbabin, John P.D., St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University
Dusyk, Nichole
Dusyk, Nichole, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Dutton, Ed
Dwyer, Melva J.


Eagle, Alison J., University of Victoria
Easton, Robert
Eastwood, Terry
Eaton, Curtis B.
Eby, Hon. David

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